Friday, September 11, 2009

The Belguin Boarder

I am up before the light gets to bright, I want to get out of the park before anyone finds me in here, as I check the back route and find the gate locked I am worried the front might be so as well but I find it open and I am able to depart without trouble. I am on my way knowing that the country does not open its doors until at least 9:30 so I just get on the road with a PowerBar for breakfast.

I am riding for quite a while before I find a place that is open where I can get a coffee but it was worth the wait as I find an upscale shop opening and I am served exclusively. It sort of feels like half the country is on vacation at the moment.

I make the push to the Belgium boarder to make my way to Abby de Achel to try the Trappist brew. I meet two ladies who are out for a ride and they show me where the boarder is a we are taking a back road at the moment, they also point me in the way of the Abby. You must go around to the back to enter the beer garden where you will find a nice courtyard to have lunch and taste the delicious drink they make.

As I am sitting there a group of &é or so senior citizens come riding up for a little for and beer as well. I find a route down the Zuid Willemsvaart a canal that takes me to the Maas River tomorrow. I spend the night at a campsite that offers both land and water camp spots, for boats are allowed to dock here.

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